Wissen zu visualisieren gehört zu den anspruchsvollen Dingen. Denn nur, wenn die Struktur der Inhalte klar ist, kann dieser auch schlüssig visualisiert werden.

Das heisst, dass man beim kritischen Denken beginnen muss. Die Art, Dinge strukturiert anzugehen, habe ich bei der ETH Zürich kennengelernt. Critical Thinking verschafft das nötige Rüstzeug, um komplexe, interdisziplinäre und systemorientierte Fragen zu bewältigen.

Mehr über Critical Thinking

Es sind immer die sechs Bausteine, die man zum ordnen der Gedanken braucht.

#1 Einführung


#2 Position

#3 Begründung

#4 Herausforderung

#5 Wiederlegung

#6 Konklusion


Hier ist die Anwendung der „Six sentence argument“ bezogen auf Skizzieren von Ideen:


#1 Introduction | Sketching skills are of increasing relevance for us, who compete and communicate in the visual age. To draft, shape, structure and iterate rapid prototype sketches to convey ideas with lean visual means enhances concise thinking in early stages of research.

#2 Position | Visual thinking with sketches facilitates the structuring of the case analysis, clear reasoning and project development. Sketching is the most immediate and lean visual language.

#3 Reason | Ideasketching applies the rapid visual drafting process and lets students gain experience as visual developer and visual thinkers. Finding complex and structured models shapes processes.

#4 Challenge | Critics may question the ancient research technique sketching. But finding out where to draw a line in the model has always been about knowing the problem from different point of views.

#5 Rebuttal | Ideasketching may seem overcome in the digital age and high-tech education. But focussing on the problem and not on the software helps to find solutions.

#6 Conclusion | Ideasketching enables students to develop concise and complex ideas and models. Sketching helps to find the needed structure and logically argumentation with lean visual means.

Wenn es klar ist, worum es geht, dann kann man die Inhalte erfassen.

Six sentence argument  is here as a pdf download to get an idea of what it means to structure content.

First it is explained, what the critical thinking skills mean in the structure of the six sentences. Second the six parts of the sentences  are explained. Third is the application of the structure to the topic #ideasketching.

Sketching skills are of increasing relevance for us, who compete and communicate in the visual age. To draft, shape, structure and iterate rapid prototype sketches to convey ideas with lean visual means enhances concise thinking in early stages of research. Visual thinking with sketches facilitates the structuring of the case analysis, clear reasoning and project development. Sketching is the most immediate and lean visual language.Ideasketching  applies the rapid visual drafting process and lets students gain experience as visual developer and visual thinkers. Finding complex and structured models shapes processes. Critics may question the ancient research technique sketching. But finding out where to draw a line in the model has always been about knowing the problem from different point of views.Ideasketching  may seem overcome in the digital age and high-tech education. But focussing on the problem and not on the software helps to find solutions. Ideasketching enables students to develop concise and complex ideas and models. Sketching helps to find the needed structure and logically argumentation with lean visual means.
This is ideasketching ...

"Sketchbook - Erfolgreich Zeichnen lernen" - Ein Arbeitsbuch. Download Page "Sketchbook" (PDF) ...